Beste lezers,
Mijn naam is Joeri Baas en in 2010 was ik 5e jaars student tandheelkunde aan het ACTA.
Ik volgde toen in Götheborg het onderwijsprogramma van "the Institute of Odontology at the Sahlgrenska academy" en ik heb hier veel gezien en geleerd.
Op het blog gedeelte kunnen jullie mijn ervaringen lezen.
Ik wens jullie veel leesplezier toe!
Dear readers,
My name is Joeri Baas and in 2010 I was a fifth grade student dentistry at ACTA in Amsterdam.
During my internship abroad in Gothenburg I followed the curriculum of "the Institute of Odontology at the Sahlgrenska Academy" where I leaned much and where I have seen a lot.
On the blog part you can read my experiences.
I wish you much reading pleasure!
My master thesis on which I was also working at that time has now been published.
You can find my publication at:
To read the article about my internship in Goteborg in our faculty newspaper click this link: Boomdasjee
If you wat to know more about my projects that I did to save the environment as a student councilmeber, have a look at:
Link: Studentenraad - Projecten Commissie Duurzaamheid
Link: CO2 Neutrale Computerzaal
Link: Folia 14 oktober 2009 - Page 20
Link: Spui Magazine 31 - Page 12
Link: Technisch Weekblad - CO2-vrij studeren aan de UvA
Joeri Baas | Maak je eigen badge
Link: Studentenraad - Projecten Commissie Duurzaamheid
Link: CO2 Neutrale Computerzaal
Link: Folia 14 oktober 2009 - Page 20
Link: Spui Magazine 31 - Page 12
Link: Technisch Weekblad - CO2-vrij studeren aan de UvA
Joeri Baas | Maak je eigen badge